You must be in compliance with all licensing requirements of the School ADvance system in order to use these resources. If you have questions about your licensing, please contact Carrie Platner in the School ADvance Office at MASA (517-327-5910 ext. 273).
Board, Superintendent, and District Leader Training Materials
- Board Training Presentation (June 2022)
- Board Training Presentation (July 2021)
- Superintendent Evaluation Cycle
- Superintendent and District Leader Framework
- Superintentendent and District Leader Summative Rubric
- Superintendent and District Leader Formative Rubric
- Administrator Growth Plan
- Administrator Growth Plan Example
- Superintendent and District Leader Summative Rating Profile
- Board Consensus Rating Process Instructions
- Superintendent and District Leader Observation Feedback (July 2021)
Principal and Building Leader Training Materials
- School ADvance Evaluation Cycle
- Principal and Building Leader Framework
- Principal and Building Leader Summative Rubric
- Principal and Building Leader Formative Rubric
- Administrator Growth Plan
- Administrator Growth Plan Example
- Principal and Building Leader Summative Rating Profile
- Principal and Building Leader Rubric Evidence Examples (July 2021)
- Principal and Building Leader Observation Feedback (July 2021)
Non-Instructional Administrator Training Materials
- New Administrator Presentation (June 2022)
- New Administrator Presentation (July 2021)
- Regional Refresher and New Administrator Workshop Presentation (July 2021)
- Non-Instructional Administrator Framework
- Non-Instructional Administrator Summative Rubric
- Non-Instructional Final Rating Profile
Basic Resources
- Basic Training Presentation Training (July 2021)
- School ADvance Licensing Agreement Form (10.18.17)
- School ADvance Paper Registration Form (10.18.17)
- School ADvance Implementation Plan Checklist (10.18.17)
- School ADvance Implementation Plan Guidance (10.18.17)
- Collecting and Using Evidence (PDF) (10.18.17)
- Student Growth Model (WORD Document) (10.18.17)
- School ADvance Handbook (PDF) (10.18.17)
- Levels of Implementation for Six Research Supported Principles (PDF) (10.18.17)
- Tips for Gathering Feedback (PDF) (10.18.17)
- School ADvance Users Guide (PDF) (10.18.17)
- Why School ADvance? (PDF) (10.18.17)
Training Types and Fee Schedule
- Training Descriptions and Fee Schedule (10.18.17)