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  1. Board Refresher and Rater Reliability

    February 12 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  2. Board Training Part 2

    February 18 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Training Descriptions and Costs

Note* All School ADvance training session are presented via the Zoom virtual platform

School ADvance Basic Training
Cost per Registrant: $325.00

This training is for districts and organizations who would like to use the School ADvance Administrator Evaluation Model and are not currently licensed or trained. The training is a 2-day training for the entire administrative team to attend a training with a certified trainer. It is for those who will be evaluating administrators, as well as those being evaluated by an administrator. This training is typically a total of 12 hours to be determined between the trainer and he district. It can be two days or an evening and a day, or two evenings. We even have been know to do Saturday sessions.

In the training, the facilitator will focus the training on the following topics:

  • The evaluation cycle, resources, and material
  • Self-assessing
  • Developing personal growth plans
  • Collecting and organizing evidences
  • Observations and progress monitoring
  • Student growth
  • Developing the final performance evaluation

School ADvance New Administrator Evaluation Training
Cost per Registrant: $225.00

This training is for administrators who are transitioning to a licensed and trained School ADvance district or organization, and he/she needs to be trained. This training is typically 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. OR an evening session can be arranged.

The training is a 1-day training and the facilitator will focus the training on the following topics:

  • The evaluation cycle resources, and materials
  • Self-assessing
  • Developing personal growth plans
  • Collecting and organizing evidences
  • Observations and progress monitoring
  • Student growth
  • Developing the final performance evaluation

Non-Instructional Administrator Evaluation Training
Cost per Registrant: $225.00

This training is also for School ADvance districts that would like to adopt the Non-Instructional Administrator rubric so that all administrators are evaluated under the same School ADvance umbrella. This training is for Superintendents or those who will be evaluating non-instructional administrators, as well as the non-instructional administrators. This training is in conjunction with the New Administrator Training.

Non-Instructional administrative positions include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Technology Directors
  • Finance Directors
  • Food Service Directors
  • Transportation Directors
  • Athletic Directors, etc.

These administrators do not have to have student growth in their annual evaluations.

Board Training for Superintendent Evaluations
Cost per Registrant: $350

This training is a two-part workshop.

Part 1: The Superintendent and The Board will meet together to review the evaluation cycle, discuss the district priority goals, align the characteristics to the priority goals for Year 1, and establish the Superintendent Goals. This portion of the workshop is earlier in the day, typically between 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., but can be customized to meet the schedule of the district.

Part 2: The second part of the workshop is with the Superintendent and full Board. During this part, the trainer will lead the Superintendent and Board through the evaluation cycle and materials, district priorities, evaluation characteristics, observation techniques, progress monitoring timelines, consensus decision making

Administrator Rater Reliability Training
Cost per Registrant: $150

SA 3.0 Administrator Rater Reliability Training: This training is required for administrators in licensed districts using the School ADvance Administrator Evaluation Tool and have been trained by a certified trainer for School ADvance. It is a three hour training session that will cover the SA 3.0 calibration process used for SA rater reliability. This training must be completed by September 1, 2024 and once every three years thereafter by administrators who evaluate other administrators using SA.

Visit MDE to learn more about this requirement

Upcoming Events
  1. Board Refresher and Rater Reliability

    February 12 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  2. Board Training Part 2

    February 18 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm