The copies on this page are examination copies only (due to copyright) for educators who are considering adopting the School ADvance Evaluation Model. For current licensed and trained users who are looking for clean, unmarked copies of the School ADvance tools, please refer to the Resources website referenced in the training, or contact Sara Shriver, School ADvance Trainer.
Superintendent and District Leaders
Superintendent and District Leader Framework
Superintendent and District Leader Summative Rubric
Superintendent and District Leader Formative Rubric
Principal and Building Leaders
Principal and Building Leader Framework
Principal and Building Leader Summative Rubric
Principal and Building Leader Formative Rubric
Non-Instructional Leaders
Non-Instructional Leader Framework
Non-Instructional Leader Summative Rubric
Rubrics can be customized to fit the responsibilities of each administrator, if necessary.
School ADvance has updated to 2.0 resources to provide options for ISDs and ESAs to establish personalized quality indicators and develop improvement targets.
Please contact Sara Shriver, School ADvance Trainer, if you would like more information about the School ADvance Administrator Evaluation Model.