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  1. Board Refresher and Rater Reliability

    February 12 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  2. Board Training Part 2

    February 18 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Why School Districts Need a System Design?

Research tells us that employee evaluation systems work best when evaluation is not something we do to people, but rather when it is a shared process of adaptive learning and growth. An effective evaluation system allows employees to take responsibility for their own learning, growth, and performance.  Employees find it easier to do that if...

Research tells us that employee evaluation systems work best when evaluation is not something we do to people, but rather when it is a shared process of adaptive learning and growth. An effective evaluation system allows employees to take responsibility for their own learning, growth, and performance.  Employees find it easier to do that if the performance evaluation system is completely aligned with the broader district and school level systems for stragegic planning, continuous improvement, and other forms of adaptive change.

Performance evaluation systems will be easier to implement in districts that have:

  • Answered the WHY…connecting the educator evaluation system to the district’s vision/goals
  • Reframed educator evaluation around the 10 Assumptions and 6 Principles of the School ADvance Evaluation System.
  • Aligned evaluation standards, tools, and processes district wide, for all educators in all roles.
  • Aligned performance assessment, personal growth plans, and professional learning to district and school level priority improvement goals and targets.


Upcoming Events
  1. Board Refresher and Rater Reliability

    February 12 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  2. Board Training Part 2

    February 18 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm